two handsomes

Two handsomes came to see .. supposedly not me... they said they were looking for Mrs David. They walked along the aisle and the 'shorter' one.... ironically banged against this chain of sea-shell-looking kind of thing and it created a crushing sound. So I spotted them. So their response was they thought I was not around. It was the first time Michel came to school once the term started. I was afraid to stand up lest he realises he is taller than I. heee heee hee.... But they look good. You can judge for yourself how handsome they are... (they will all be handsome and beautiful as far as I'm concerned!) I'm glad they came.
hey!i'm patrick remember me?....i wanted 2 cumbak 2 skool maybe fri..dunno hows ur new class r they as bad as us?
hey can u upload the home econs and the YI day pictures???
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