6 days of quarantine,,,I'm dead bored and I'm dying top be let out of this cage .... my little boy should be OK. We brought him back to the clinic and the Dr certified that he could return to school on Monday... Yeah!! This spells the end of my confinement in my in laws place!! The last time I remembered this confinement was when I just gave birth to the 2 kids and had to stay home for a month..... when will this old fashioned thinking about being confined at home due to child birth end???

I hope it stops at my generation......
Remember my old class 6E, one of my students, Jeffrey, is in US. How fortunate he is!!! I've never been to the US. Not interested in going anyway, unless, to visit relatives or old friends... or maybe in the future, attend Jeffrey's wedding.... ha ha ha... will be old and rickety by then. Very nice of him to email me... this is the rewarding part of teaching... when they come back and keep in touch with you. Oh, Brandon Goo came by school too! He is so much taller, and bigger in size too. Also not forgetting the old boys, Funny and witty Xianwen came by the last week of school together with Linus of 6C (2005). Linus also brought Wee keong along. Wee Keong is in Maris Stella. I also happened to bump into Kevin of 6C in Church 2 weeks back. Timothy and Bryan came too and they helped abit in the Tennis CCA I was placed in this year. In short, seeing these boys are so heart-warming. They are all so handsome and tall and so grown-up. Reminds me of my time last time. Well, I do hope they still keep tabs with me in years to some.... God bless all these little boys... :)