Part-Time Maid
Can I share my joy with you??!!! My 1st ever part-time maid came to clean the house!! TODAY!! Yeah!!! I dont need to fuss over housework anymore!!! DOUBLE YEAH!!! I just hope that this lasts.... and Another JOY to share....... My tingkat dinner has started since last monday evening...!!! YEAH YEAH YEAH!! No need to cook and clean dishes!!!! YEAH YEAH YEAH!!! Now my next headache!! Is to convince my daughter to sign up for chinese class. You see she's very herd mentality one... must have friends to be with her then will go! But how to synchronise the timing with another child??? I'm crossing my hands and fingers and toes that she'll be OK for the bukit batok berries.... or the orchard one or maybe the tanglin CC one... sign... parental woes! Also, thinkinf of the boy... ACS or St Andrew's Junior???? I cant decide. If distance, ACS. If want to save fuel and be with husband, the latter.... how how how how how how????? Questions.......Decisions...... Wouldnt it be better to be a student than a working person and married too??? Decision decisions etc etc bah blah blahÂ